National Fire Academy
How to apply for National Fire Academy courses.
Thank you for your interest in training with us! We look forward to receiving your application and assisting you through the process. For help completing your application, contact our Admissions Office, Monday – Friday between 7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., at 800-238-3358, ext. 1035 or by email at netcadmissions@fema.dhs.gov.
Ready to enroll in a free National Fire Academy (NFA) course? Follow these steps to apply for admission:
Understand course requirements. Many courses have specific selection criteria or prerequisites; be sure to review the Course Description page for detailed instructions. Search for courses.
Request a Student Identification Number (SID). You need an SID to apply for NFA courses. Register for a FEMA SID.
Complete the application. Download the correct application below for the type of course you plan to take. Refer to “Eight Tips for Completing a Successful NFA Application” PDF 332 KB for additional information.
Use the correct course code on your application.
Complete ALL fields on the application. Your application will be returned if it is incomplete. Use the February 2012 version or later of the General Admission Application.
Submit your application during the designated time frame. Your application will be returned if it is postmarked outside of the designated application period.