Drop-in Training
The drop-in training is designed to be conducted by the crew at their convenience if there is not a set schedule and instructor. Currently, if the training is offered at the station location then an instructor is schedule to provide the training. This training provides the crews with a definitive topic and is designed to be 2-3 hours in length.
2023 Schedule
January/February - TRT Response - Operations Level
The Drop-in Training for January/February will focus on TRT response operations. Members of the TRT team will be working on a schedule to work with all stations and crews to complete this training.
March/April - VFIS Drivers Training
The Drop-in Training for March/April will focus on drivers training for all Operations Personnel. Go through the PowerPoint and work with your Battalion Chief to schedule a time to go through the cone course. Please be respectful of any other training that is occurring at CARTA. You can check the schedule at CARTA by reviewing the calendar on the home page. If there are any questions, please contact the Training Division.
Category: Company Training
Subcategory: Drop-In
Topic: Driver Training
May/June - HAZMAT
The Drop-in Training for May/June will focus on Hazardous Materials response for all Operations Personnel. Please review the information as a crew. If there are any questions, please contact the Training Division.
Category: Hazmat Training
Subcategory: Drill
Topic: Hazmat Operations-Level Annual Refresher
July/August - SCBA Maze
The Drop-in Training for July/August will focus on the SCBA Maze at CARTA. We would encourage participation and respective feedback.
Category: Company Training
Subcategory: Drop-In
Topic: SCBA Proficiency
September/October - Forcible Entry - Door prop, carriage bolts, rebar on windows
The Drop-in Training for September/October will focus on Forcible entry using the door prop at CARTA. If there are any questions, please contact the Training Division.
Category: Company Training
Subcategory: Drop-In
Topic: Forcible Entry
November/December - Minute-Man Hose Load
The Drop-in Training for November/December will focus on Minute-man Hose Lay Deployment. Please watch the video to review the setup of the drill. If there are any questions, please contact the Training Division.
Category: Company Training
Subcategory: Drill